Sunday, December 19, 2021

Cycling Project Pipeline for Whitehorse

 For a number of years I have been saying we need a "project pipeline" for building the cycling network in Whitehorse.  What  I mean by a "project pipeline" is a orderly plan and schedule for building the connected, convenient and logical cycling network.  Building these projects takes time, especially to be planned and designed well.  It takes a year or two just to plan and design before the projects can get built, thus it is important the planning is done in advance and so the projects ready to go.  

The following is 10 Big Projects I dreamed up for what might be a good pipeline of projects to get built.  No schedule here, just my idea for a general order of priority:

  1. Close the Gap - Chilkoot Way cycling (MUP) connection from 2-Mile Hill to Waterfront Trail
  2. Active Transportation re-build of Range Road & 2-Mile Hill intersection - but design it well this time with a Protected Intersection approach. 
  3. Re-build 4th Ave Protected Bikeway - from Black Street to 2nd Ave (include re-build 2nd and 4th intersection to improve accessibility and safety).
  4. Complete the Downtown Bike Network - in particular the protected cycle infrastructure on the cross streets of Hanson, Wood, Black, Ogilvie and 2nd Ave (4th to Waterfront trail).  This would be a big, multi-million dollar project that will be well suited for federal funding (such as Canada's Active Transportation Fund).  Also connect the two downtown schools to the bike network.
  5. Build the Riverfront Rail Trail - convert the railway tracks to a cycling rail trail - to create more capacity along the waterfront, reducing conflict with pedestrians.
  6. Riverdale Cycleway - Complete a contiguous, convenient protected bike route the entire length of Lewes Boulevard, complete with high quality, convenient connections to the 6 schools along the route. 
  7. Alaska Highway underpass - create a safe crossing from the north end of the airport to the west side of the highway.  I've written about this underpass before, you an read more here.
  8. Range Road cycle route - including underpass of Mountain View drive at Range Road to provide a safe, separated connection from Range Road north to Takhini and Yukon University. 
  9. Complete the Alaska Cycle Highway - a separated, protected bike route the length of the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse - from Carcross Corner to Whitehorse's northern city limit at the Mayo Road.  Consider another underpass from Takhini North to Kopper King, providing a safe crossing for Kopper King residents and access to the Mt. Mac ski trails and greenspace. 
  10. Complete Lower Escarpment Trail - finish the downtown active transportation loop.  Consider an underpass of Robert Service Way at 5th Ave so there is a separated, convenient safe way for people to access the Millennium Trail without have to cross traffic.

In parallel, Hillcrest re-construction should be occurring which should build the bike network from Alaska Highway up to Granger/Copper Ridge.


1 comment:

Brett Chandler said...

This is a great list. If these could all be completed we'd see Whitehorse become WAY more bike-friendly.

A couple of points I'd elaborate on: I'd love to see Range Road south of Whistle Bend closed to regular traffic and become a bus express route. I could see a commuter bike trail be incorporated into that project that could make it considerably more practical to bike-commute to downtown.

Also, I wonder how feasible it might be to turn 3rd Avenue into a "mobility corridor" that prioritizes bike travel? The more bike traffic we can divert off the main N-S driving routes of 2nd and 4th Avenues, the happier everyone will be...