Wednesday, December 30, 2009

5 Years in a GreenHome

Below is 5-years of energy use data from our GreenHome.

What is show is the actual energy delivered to the house, so I've taken out the effect of the different efficiencies of electric, versus wood versus oil heat. I've also "normalized" the data - that means I've converted all the data to a common average year, thereby taking the effects of cold years and warm years. (interestingly, the all five of the last years have been about 10% warmer than average...hmmm, climate change?)

As you can see, our energy use has been rising until this year. I think this is largely due to having a baby in the house starting in 2006 and Georgi started staying home then, making the house occupied full time. Our energy use dropped dramatically this year - although we did a number of small energy efficiency upgrades, I think it is largely due to the end of diaper laundry (hahoo!).

And here are the total energy costs to us as we've actually experienced them:

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