Sunday, July 5, 2020

2019 Carbon Levy Rebate and Our Family's Carbon Emissions

At the end of April Yukoner's got their second carbon levy rebate of $43/person.

As I posted previously, I have been keeping track of our family's carbon emissions over the past year.  Below is our monthly emissions:

So did we pay more in carbon pollution fees than we got back?

Our total carbon that was subject to the Yukon's carbon fee of $20/tonne from April 2019 to end of March 2020 was 6.9 tonnes of CO2.  So that means as a family of three, over the 12 months we paid a total of $138 for the carbon pollution we were directly responsible for.  

Over the same period, we got $258 from government in carbon rebates.  Thus we made $120 last year from the Yukon's carbon pricing scheme!

Thank you to all you folks leaving your cars idling.

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